Are you feeling it but your playing doesn't show it? Here's my three-fold approach to expressing yourself and making sure you get your point across, every...
Let's take a second look at playing fills between chords. Today I'll go over three new ideas that could take your fills up to the next level.
Chord Elevation...
If telling apart different chords and notes is tough, understanding intervals is the first step to improving. Let's dive into a few clever ways to make...
Do you practice while standing? Do you perform while sitting? Today, I take a look at the different playing positions and how they can help or hold us back. Plus I...
Let's finish out the series with a look at the music theory workflow a rhythm or lead guitarist should follow.
Elevate your guitar skills today with Lee's expert...
Advanced players may have ditched Music Theory a long time ago. Join me today as I reveal my plan for advanced guitarists to get out of their rut using music...
With so many different directions an intermediate guitarist could follow, could music theory help them succeed faster than the others? Join me today as I share...
Could music theory help career and advanced beginners get over the hump and back to steady progress? Join me to find out what music theory can do for these...
Is music theory helpful at the very beginning of your guitar journey? Join me today as I share my plan to make well-rounded players right from the start.
Are you ready to take your guitar playing to the next level? In this episode, I unveil an exciting membership challenge designed to push your skills and unleash...
This week's topic comes straight from players like you who struggle with remembering while learning guitar. Join me as I explore different memory hacks to make your...
Are you waiting for that big guitar breakthrough to take you to another level? Today I'll take a look at breakthroughs and how they shape our journey with the...