Lead Guitar

Rhythm Guitar




The Major Blues Box - 293

The sweeter side of blues guitar can be found in this very simple and very flexible pattern called the Major Blues Box. Let's find out how this thing works.



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The Blues Box - Minor Sounds - 292

What's in the box? It's a bunch of blues solos. That's what it is! Today, we will learn what the minor blues box is and the different sounds you can get from it.


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My Story - Play Guitar Academy - 168

It's my turn on the community episode. Today, I'm going to share with you my story and how it ultimately led to the opening of the Academy this week.

Only two days left...

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Ten Awesome Acoustic Guitar Players - 167

Join Lee and Scott today for a deep dive into must hear acoustic guitar players.

We will each give our top five and also ask for your top five as well.

Make sure to join...

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Southern Rock Guitar Licks - 166

Bring on the Licks! Join me today as I add five new Southern Rock Guitar licks to our lick library.




Make sure you go to ...

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Stop Being Frustrated With Guitar Today! - 165

Today is the day! Let's work through the four simple steps to keep you on track with the guitar for good.



I love how a "why question" always creates a chain:...

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Guitar Questions Answered - Kevin Krause - 164



Today, on our second Q and A podcast, community member Kevin Krause brings the guitar questions. 



I had such a great time with Kevin! He...

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Acoustic Guitar Adjustments - 163

It's acoustic week again!

Join us today as we examine all of the acoustic guitars adjustments and give recommendations on how to get your acoustic to play great!

Lee and...

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Basic Funk Guitar Licks - 162


Guitar Lick week is back!

Join me today for five fun funk licks and a mini funk rhythm guitar lesson. I go over a basic funk lick, expand it with lead, and then...

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Why Do My Guitar Solos Sound Bad? - 161

Are you frustrated with your soloing? Join me today as we learn the not so obvious reasons that your solos may be missing the mark.

On today's podcast, I answer this...

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