Lead Guitar

Rhythm Guitar




What’s Holding You Back From Getting Better at the Guitar – 031

Stop Being Led By Your Guitar Problems! A small shift in mindset and direction can give you the right course for success on the guitar!



A lot of...

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Basic Gig Setup: Single Amp With Pedals - 030

Getting your rig right for playing a gig can quickly get overwhelming. Choosing a simple setup can sound great, save time, and free up your mind to concentrate on more...

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Jumpstart Your Guitar Playing - 029

Need help getting out of a guitar rut? Today, I share my most effective tips to jumpstart your guitar playing. Try these out to get your playing back on the right path!...

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Funk Rhythm Guitar - 028

Today, I share my favorite exercise for funk rhythm guitar. It’s really fun and will make your rhythm playing super focused and super funky



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Funk Guitar Chords - 027

Today, I get into funk guitar chords! I start with the basic chords and then show you how to make small changes to get big results!


On today's episode...

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How to Start Playing Double Stops on Guitar - 026

Double Stops: those cool 2 note harmonies that are in so many of our favorite songs.

Its easy to use the chords and scales you already know to start playing...

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Learning Legato Guitar - 025

On today's episode, it’s all about smooth, flowing legato technique on the guitar. I give an overview of this technique and some ways to get started using it in your...

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Speed Up Your Guitar Playing - 024

Being able to play faster isn't out of your reach. Join me today and find out which small adjustments you can make to speed up your guitar playing.



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Chord Tone Soloing - 023

Today, I introduce Chord Tone Soloing! It's a way to build your melodies based on the strongest notes, the ones that are contained in the chord that is currently...

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Blues Electric Guitar Tone - 022

Today, I continue my blues guitar mini series talking about tone, what gear to get, and some tips to use it effectively.


Classic Gear

On today’s...

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Best Blues Chords for Guitar Players – 021

Make sure you know the chords you need to play the blues!

On today's episode I work my way through the chords you will find when you are playing blues...

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Understanding Blues Guitar - 020

Not knowing how the Blues works could be the thing that is holding you back from progressing in Rock, Jazz, Country, and many other types of guitar based music. Today, I...

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