Blues Licks #1 - 156

Next week is our last show of 2020.
What a year this was. Well, at least, for the most part , we held on. We are getting through it.
But just getting through it is not enough. I want us to be better than we were when we come out of all of this. So, I've got some plans.
Make sure you are here next week for my look back at 2020 and my new plans for 2021. There is a lot of really cool things on the horizon for this podcast.
But today, I wanted to get a head start on things. One of the exciting new parts to the show starts today. This will be our monthly guitar licks.
Some of you listen while doing other things, but I know that a lot of you are playing and listening at the same time. Which is fantastic. I love it.
I want to get us all playing together and moving forward at the same time. So for 2021, The first episode of each month will introduce five new licks for us all to learn.
Not too bad right? This is something that we all can do.
I'll be picking different styles or situations for these licks. And, they will range in difficulty. There will be something for you here.
How does this work? How do you get a podcast audience from all over the world together to learn.
Well, here is my idea.
On the podcast, I'll introduce the licks and explain how they work.
Then, I'll have a free pdf available for you with the tablature and standard notation for you to get started learning the licks. And I'll also have the background tracks that I used available right on that page for you to practice with.
Finally, I'll go live on YouTube where you can see me play the licks and ask any questions or give any comments you have.
Easy: You learn something, then you get to work on something, and then you have a place to see it demonstrated and ask questions.
I'm pretty excited about this.
Where can you get these licks?
Get the free licks in a new section in my Free Blues soloing course:
"Get your blues solos under control"
All the licks will be held there each month.
So to get the most of this, you have to do two things:
Enroll at:
Subscribe to:
So today is blues.
I've got five great licks that demonstrate how to use the minor to major 3rd and the blue note (b5) along with the basic minor pentatonic scale.
I'll be making it very simple today by just playing over the 1 chord.
In this case, it's a C7 one chord vamp, just one chord over and over again.
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