🔴You are new to guitar but not sure where to start.
🔴You've been trying over and over again to play a certain song and you feel like it's never going to end.
🔴You've been learning from random videos online and you aren't getting any better.
🔴You are pretty good at playing a few songs but you don't have any idea what it is you're playing.
🎸actually see your guitar playing get better and better over time?
🎸understand the things you are learning rather than just copying?
🎸take a song that you would like to learn and make it your own?
🎸not waste your time learning things that you're not ready to learn?
It's time to get out of the GUITAR RUT and on the RIGHT PATH...TODAY
Introducing Play Guitar Academy
The Academy is UNIQUELY THE BEST resource for ending frustration with the guitar
And it's filled with step by step weekly training that makes sure you don't miss anything you need to build the right skills at the right time in the right order.
This super helpful Roadmap, with the best and most supportive guitar community online built in, live monthly trainings and Q&A, and ever-growing bonus lessons gets you on the right path to put frustration in your past.


Fill in the cracks of your playing
The most common problem of players who are learning guitar with random videos is trying to learn a technique or song that is too advanced for their skillset. The Academy puts a priority on building a firm foundation of musical skills. When you have these skills in order, learning goes much faster.

Get your technique up to speed
Daily technique exercises not only strengthen the hand but improve hand-eye coordination. When you understand what you are going to play and why it works, being held back by poor technique is a huge stumbling block. The goal is to be able to play on autopilot. Using the power of daily repetition for technique is a core part of PGA.

Make sense out of rhythms and rhythm guitar
From changing between chords on time, to keeping a chord progression on beat, to learning basic strum patterns, to being able to create your own strum patterns, rhythm guitar can be very complex at first. PGA get you up and running right away with strumming chords and, once you have them under your fingers, gives you an intensive rhythm workout in the 102 level.

Understand the reasons why chords, scales, and rhythms work together
Putting it all together is a HUGE problem for guitarists. You may be great at one of these and lacking in the others. PGA helps you to know how chords, scales, and rhythms work together (and why).

Unlock the fretboard
Having gaps in your understanding of the fretboard and how it works is a very big problem for most beginner and intermediate players. PGA shows easy ways to know ALL of the notes on the fretboard. After that, the training continues by associating shapes on the fretboard with sounds to be able to quickly and confidently play all of the different sounding intervals whenever you wish.

Become a Lead Guitar Powerhouse
You've probably found out that learning a few licks using tablature is nowhere near enough information to become a lead guitar player. PGA has a very well thought out and designed program to move you from being interested in lead guitar to knowing all of your big four scales over the entire neck of the guitar, and being able to phrase you melodies in a way that sounds musical and not like an exercise.

There's Nothing Random Here
The backbone of the Academy is the Roadmap. This is a systematic way to build the skills you need to progress. Each skill is placed on the Roadmap at the right time, in the right order, with the right amount of time and repetition spent on each subject.

Experience Helping Frustrated Guitarists
This Academy's beginnings were centered around the frustrated guitarist. It was started to solve the problems of the players in my in-person group guitar classes who were lost after unsuccessfully trying to learn online. From filling in the gaps caused by random video lessons, to learning how to use repetition as your secret advantage, to understanding why music works, this Academy is designed for you!

A Time Tested Roadmap
Since the beginning of the Roadmap, it has been a work in progress. As students work their ways through the levels, I have evaluated re-evaluated, reworked and refined the lessons and worksheets. My online coaching students, over the past year have helped me bring this system to you in a way that is very effective and straightforward to the online student.

Access To An Experienced Instructor
If you are looking for me, you don't have to go too far... I'm in the community forum. As you are going through the classes, if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas you would like to share, pop in to the community. I will bring my over 30 years of experience of teaching and playing guitar to you and help steer you in the right direction. I get my best ideas from students like you. if your question is a topic worth some more exploration, I can add a training video to the bonus lesson section.

Your Not Going Through This Alone
Play Guitar Academy is filled with students who, just like you, were fed up with the way online learning created more headaches than results. After finding your level in the "Narrow Path" series of videos, pop into that level's section of the community. There you will find players who are going through the same experience as you. The extreme value of having a group to ask questions and share your experiences with is priceless.

This Is My Expertise And Joy
I began my journey with the guitar at twelve years old and taught my first lesson at eighteen. I've been a beginner, intermediate, advanced, and professional guitarist. All the way, I've shared my knowledge with other players, and I always get more back in return. Playing guitar has been the centerpiece of my life and I will be here for you to guide and cheer you on as you become the guitarist that you always wanted to be!
Lee Anderson
Hi, I'm Lee! I'm mostly known for being the host of the Play Guitar Podcast, but I've been a professional guitarist and guitar teacher for over 30 years.
I started Play Guitar Academy to bring the success that I had with my in person group coaching to online students around the world.

Duane C. on "Week 9 Coursework"
"Week 9 is my favorite so far. The chord progression is sounding like music. I’ve come back to the “Week_9_Background_track_song” several times after finishing the coursework for week 10, Week 11, and even after the 102 Solid Strumming courses. It’s my go-to backing track when I finish a daily lesson and want some variety. It feels like the next step should be learning the words so I can attempt to sing along to this chord progression.

Natlie M. on "Week 1 Training"
Hi Lee,I started out listening to your podcasts and decided to jump into some lessons to refresh my skills. I play with a church group and began feeling like my skillset was getting stale and I wasn't enjoying what I was doing. I starting struggling and thought maybe I wasn't good enough anymore. Listening to your podcast made me understand so many things about what I was feeling and how to fix my issues. So, I have decided to go back to the basics to see if I had missed any skills. I love the 1,2 2, 1 exercises and can't wait to see what the week ahead look like. Thank you for putting your knowledge out there, it is very appreciated!

Christine L. on "Week 7 Training"
Wow, Lee, having a fun time with your course you've carefully constructed. I love the theory and am motivated to memorize the fretboard and read music. It has been my wish to learn how to play guitar and I appreciate you helping me realize this dream.

The Roadmap
Do you need a place to start your journey with confidence.
The Roadmap has all of the steps needed to move you from beginner to advanced guitar.
By using the "Narrow Path" series of videos to find your level, you will be able to easily find your place to start really getting better at the guitar.

The Community
The Community is the secret weapon of Play Guitar Academy.
This is where experiences are shared, problems are worked out, questions are answered and life is shared.
This community in particluar has an added advantage. It come pre-loaded with the best and most helpful guitar community online.

LIve Community Calls
Each month I bring us all together for a community livestream.
These are super important and will showcase several different topics.
Masterclass topics, community Q&A, student spotlights, and even hangouts just for fun are planned.
I can't wait to meet you in the community livestream calls!

New Monthly Content
The Play Guitar Academy is not designed to stay the same. It is meant to continually grow.
Each month, new content is added to the Academy.
You can count on more roadmap levels, bonus lessons, worksheets, and sections of the Academy to be added over time.

At Play Guitar Academy, your investment is secure!
If in the first thirty days of your membership you wish to leave for any reason, your first month's tuition will be returned to you. No questions or hassle.
Just send me an email and I'll cancel your membership and start the refund process.
After your first month, you are free to cancel at any time. I'm so sure that you will get results from my system, there are no long term contracts.
It's time to get started! Just choose one of the options below to enter the Academy.

Start your journey with confidence. Scroll down for a description of each of Play Guitar Academy's 12 week courses.

101 - start HERE guitar!
This is where it all begins! If you are starting from scratch or if you think you need to make sure you haven't missed any important skills along the way, start Here guitar! is the place for you. Here we introduce technique exercises, explore open position chords, open position major scales, strum along to background tracks, and learn the basics of how music and guitar tablature works.

102 - Solid Strumming
It's time to get those chords to sound just like the songs you love. In Solid Strumming, you will not only learn about rhythm and strum patterns, you will learn to build, mix, and match your own with quarter, eighth, and sixteenth strums. We also learn to play more complex open position in all types of 7th, suspended, augmented and diminished chords.

201 - Bar Chords And Blues
In Bar Chords and Blues, you will put together the skills to play most popular songs. You will learn what Bar chords are, play all of the common ones off of the E, and A string, play open position scales in multiple keys, learn song form starting with the 12 Bar Blues, Learn Boogie guitar Blues forms, and start jamming with an introduction to improvisation.

202 - Welcome To Lead Guitar
This is where we start to master the fretboard. By learning the Minor Pentatonic scale patterns in all five positions and in all keys, you will find that no matter where your hand is on the neck of the guitar, you will have the scale pattern you need. We also explore new strum patterns to play under our minor pentatonic improvisation.

203 - Major Scale Over The Whole Guitar
In level 203, we take the same approach as before, learning all of the patterns of the major scale, in all keys, all over the neck. This is also the level where we start basic music theory, interval training, chord building, and diatonic chords. We build our own progressions to solo over using diatonic bar chords based on the E and A string.

204 - Major Pentatonic Workout
In level 204, we take improvisation to the next level. First we play all Major Pentatonic scales in all patterns, in all keys...with a few new skills thrown in. Each week you are soloing over a new chord progression in a new style of music. We spend a lot of time targeting the chord changes by understanding the chord tones and altering or adding notes to the Major Pentatonic scale.

205 - Putting Things In Sequence
Level 205 introduces a new skill to your melody writing and improvisation... sequences. At this point in your playing phrasing is becoming more and more important. Creating sequences by breaking up the scale adds interest and musicality if used correctly. We explore sequences in our scale work and improvisation using Major, Major Pentatonic, and Minor Pentatonic scales.

206 - Chord Foundations
This level goes in-depth into the theory behind how chords (triads and seventh chords) are built and used. You will learn how to stack different intervals of thirds to create all common chords. We will make use of interval charts and the circle of fifths. Along with all of this, we revisit the major scale positions and improvisation.

207 - Minor Scale Workout
Now is the perfect time for an in-depth look at the Natural Minor scale and it's derivatives. We start with all of the patterns of the Natural Minor scale across the neck and in all keys. We have typical minor chord progressions to solo over. Half-way through this course, I introduce the Harmonic Minor scale. We play all patterns in several keys and explore the main uses for it and the reasons why it works so well.
Here's what others are saying
John M.
Love this course so far it’s given me something solid to focus on for practicing. I have strayed from the path a few times to try and learn songs I like to listen to and just when I start to feel like I’m not making progress anymore this course puts me right back on track. The anticipation of being able to play things that sound good for other people is huge but I know I’m on the right path.
Rick T.
Hi Lee,I'm self taught and have been playing, or I should say attempting to play over a number of years. I have no knowledge of music theory and I definitely haven't dedicated myself as needed, so now I'm starting from scratch and starting with an actual course that has structure. I'm diving in today! Thanks!.
jim LIpa
Lee and the Play Guitar Academy has been the best thing to happen to my guitar playing.
I started with Lee as what I would describe as a Beginner/Intermediate player.
I’d been playing off and on for years, picking up things “a la carte” over the internet, learning songs, licks, riffs, but I always felt I just wasn’t progressing and I lacked confidence in my playing. Something was missing. Why, for example, when I tried to play a solo it sounded sort of okay sometimes, not so good other times? I needed to find the answer and Lee and the Play Guitar Academy has been the answer!
I’ve been with the Academy for about nine months and in that time I have learned so much with Lee. I feel his course has made a huge difference in my abilities and in the way I approach the guitar. I have developed a better understanding of the guitar and of music and my playing has become so much more musical.
No matter what skill level you are at, or what style you like to play, I believe Lee, the Academy, and his program can help you achieve whatever goals you have for the guitar. I’ve experienced the results firsthand. He’s the real deal. He is truly passionate about seeing you succeed!
Collin Roberts
I finished Lee’s Start Here Now 101 online class a couple of weeks ago. I couldn’t wait for the Play Guitar Academy to launch to continue my guitar playing journey. I jumped in and am now working on 102 Solid Strumming. Lee is a fantastic teacher and walks you though the lessons with a very helpful, encouraging, and patient attitude. The way the lessons are structured keeps you engaged and moving forward but not overwhelmed. I have asked multiple questions of Lee and the responses are timely and very helpful. If you are interested in playing guitar, I highly suggest you give Play Guitar Academy consideration, I am a very satisfied student.
David Hunsaker
I only joined the academy 2 days ago and after going through the narrow path, I've decided to start at course 102. I've been playing off and on for about 40 years just learning on my own. At the age of 59 I finally realized that I've always wanted to be a player so I found a local teacher and took some lessons. He was great and I learned a lot, but it was time to move on. I started doing youtube videos and realized I can do some things really well but lack some fundamentals. I really like the way you have this structured, I feel like I can get in and do the exercises for the week and be ready for the next one. I'm excited about the possibilities again. You've obviously put a lot of thought and effort into the way you've structured the academy and I wish you and all of your other students the greatest success.
John Jackson
As a coaching student, I've been using the Play Guitar Academy Roadmap for about 9 months now. I have been very pleased with the results! This systematic method for teaching contains logical progressions to help the beginner gain the knowledge and practice needed to rapidly progress at the guitar. The structure of the content guides you step by step so you never feel lost and each lesson builds skills that you can use in future lessons. It also includes just enough theory to help the student understand the whys behind what is being played. Lee's videos are always very encouraging and guides you all along the way with helpful tips at all of the levels I've experienced..
Lee also fosters a very helpful community and provides additional content to community members. This is invaluable because it makes me feel like I'm part of something more than just an online set of videos.
Of all of the things that I've purchased for the guitar, Play Guitar Academy is the only thing that I use daily and is singularly responsible for my progress.
Duane Counter
Like so many others, I tried learning guitar using books, online videos, and private lessons. However, they all seemed to lack direction. I was working my way through another Online beginner guitar course when I started listening to the Play Guitar Academy Podcast. In one of the Podcasts, I remember Lee telling his audience to pick a course and stick with it. I finished the beginner course and started the next online course offered by that company. However, it went from beginner to advance. I wondered if there was something in between, so I e-mailed that question to the contact information on the course’s website. I did not get a reply. During the following month I e-mailed a few more times, did not get a reply, and continued to struggle with the advance course. After a while I decided to e-mail Lee Anderson at the Play Guitar Academy, just to see if he would reply. I was surprised when I received an e-mail from Lee a few days later. We exchanged a few more e-mails and as a result I had a video call with Lee & I became a member of the Play Guitar Academy. Since I had previously listened to several of the Play Guitar Academy Podcasts, it felt like I met a celebrity that day. As a result of completing another beginner course a few weeks prior, I completed the first few weeks of the “Start HERE course” in about two days each, but eventually fell into the 1 week per class pace when I got to the level where the other course left off. I appreciate that the lessons in the Play Guitar Academy are taught very thoroughly, so I no longer need to slow down the video to catch the technique being taught, like was required in the competitors course as well as in many of the online videos.
Christine Leidhoff
Next week I finish the 101 course. I assume you went over all this stuff in the 101 course?
Thanks a million for the patience you have in daily practices. Your attention to detail, words of encouragement, and professionalism make the course comfortable and fun. I really appreciate the music theory! I’m enjoying extending my learning to memorizing the scales, you know, going back and reviewing, and learning to read music.
Really looking forward to the 102 course.
Ric Johnson
Lee has addressed main issue that I have encountered trying to learn guitar online and with YouTube. There are good online lessons but none seemed to have a step by step roadmap to help you progress. In my opinion, this is as close to one on one private lessons as you can get.
Marty Mincevich
I have improved more over the past year following Lee’s roadmap than I had in the previous 5 years! It has provided the structure and focus to give me a solid foundation to build upon and grow in my guitar journey.
Chris Ward
"I stated my guitar journey with Lee after 20 years or more playing the guitar without moving forward. Lee's approach and method helped me move forward quickly, and I soon found I was playing difficult leads with more ease. My theory knowledge has increased massively and I now understand what's going on. I am 10 times the player I was and feel I can now hold my own. I am also in a stronger position to work with other musicians. Lee is a fantastic mentor and I am grateful for his ongoing support. He has helped me become the guitarist I always wanted to be, and then some."
Erik Tharsis Rossbach
I have just started the 101 course and am very excited. Starting this course has removed all my "online guitar learning anxiety". I no longer wonder whether I am missing out on something important, I don't feel like I need to chase information on the internet. All I need is right here, whether it is related to rhythm guitar, lead guitar, music theory, improvisation and so on. Cool sounding guitar concepts are no longer a distraction but a motivation to keep practicing to get to them. Most importantly for me: the course has weekly exercises for practicing everything it teaches, so I always know what to do when I sit down to practice.
Liz H
I'm a new guitar player and have been following Lee since the beginning of Play Guitar Podcast, mostly listening and being encouraged while not always believing in myself enough to put the work behind what I wanted to do. Lee's honesty and ability to relate to the struggle of being a beginner in a world that seems saturated with people who are much farther along is what encourages me to keep learning and keep using his content. I am really excited to start the academy as I believe it will be a fantastic companion musically and mentally to the work I'm already doing to move toward being the musician I want to be.
Evan Raichek
I encourage anyone who is on the fence about joining PGA to get a running start and hop on over. I started a little over a year ago, and this past year has been my best. I started guitar almost 3 years ago, as a late in life beginner. While learning over the internet had progress for the 1st 9 months, it quickly turned to a random series of catchy lessons of the day, partially finished songs and little sense of progress. With PGA's curriculum, I know what chunk of guitar knowledge and skills I'm picking up every month. Lee's balance of technique, theory, improvisation and repertoire has increased my ability and confidence and keeps me looking forward to something new and better each week.
It's time to get started! Just choose one of the options below to enter the Academy.