Welcome to the Academy! I can't wait to help you get started.
To signup with a discounted Yearly tuition instead, CLICK HERE.
The Academy is UNIQUELY THE BEST resource for ending frustration with the guitar.
It's filled with step-by-step weekly training that makes sure you don't miss anything you need to build the right skills at the right time in the right order.
This super helpful Roadmap, with the best and most supportive guitar community online built-in, live monthly training and Q&A, and ever-growing bonus lessons get you on the right path to put frustration in your past.
***Remember, if you have previously signed up for my free content (My Free Blues Soloing course for example) you will just login the way you usually do and the Academy and Community will be added to your library***
If this is your first signup at the Academy, you will be emailed your username and password